What’s your Container?

Let’s use our imagination a little bit right now… close your eyes and picture a container of some sort. Your container needs to be strong enough to hold what you put into it. It also needs to have a two-way system so that you can put things in and take parts out when and if you choose (maybe a lock or a lid of some kind). And lastly, make sure your container is comfortable enough inside so that whatever you put in it will be willing to stay inside until you are ready to work with it. 

Do you have something in mind? Now picture placing your worries, your fears, your traumatic experiences into your container and letting them know you will get back to them at a safer, healthier time. Maybe you’re in the middle of work and a memory of your car accident comes up. Picture yourself putting that memory into your container, but make that memory comfortable so that it won’t want to break free and it will wait until you are ready to come back to it.

I have had clients think of so many different containers, varying from a Tupperware container to a bank vault. My personal container is a shoebox with a soft blanket inside to keep my memories and thoughts comfortable until I am ready to come back to them. The coolest thing about creating this personal container is just that… It's made personally for you. 

I would also like for you to give this container a name. Now repeat that name in your head and just notice the positive feelings that may come up when you think about using this container in the future. Not only is a little imagination good every once in a while, but creating this container is a reminder of the power you have over your thoughts and memories. Can you imagine a situation in the near future where using your container would be helpful? Maybe imagine yourself using it right now and just notice how you would behave and feel. 

Try using your container daily, because as we know practice makes perfect. Sometimes it will work, sometimes you may forget to use it, and perhaps sometimes it will not work as you had hoped. Think of it as another tool you can add to your toolbox for taking care of yourself. You deserve it!


Who Are You?


Is Your Emotional Tank On Empty?